Balanced Scorecard

Petrus Consulting assists organisations to implement the Balanced Scorecard. We work with
organisations to assess their current management reporting and control systems and to identify where changes are required. We represent QPR Software ( in Ireland which is the leading Balanced Scorecard provider based in Finland.

Scorecard allows results to be grasped at a glance by all levels of staff and provides the essential information to allow them to manage the key metrics in the business.

ScoreCard, accredited by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative ( is a versatile, web-enabled software package, which implements the Balanced Scorecard concept.

ScoreCard is used in Finland by The Ministry of Defence and the Defence Forces as well as the Ministries of Trade and Industry and Labour. In Ireland, Petrus is assisting Dublin City Council to carrying out a large scale pilot in the engineering Division covering Water, Waste, Drainage and the Fire service.

ScoreCard allows managers to link the overall mission and strategy of the organisation to specific performance measures. It intuitively appeals to all staff in an organisation making it easy and simple to communicate. It allows clear and concise reporting of performance against each of the measures to be communicated rapidly across the organisation.

Scorecard highlights on a continuing basis where action needs to be taken. It works well in both large and small organisations and is easily and quickly introduced, integrating with existing IT systems and databases.

ScoreCard is used to plan, implement, communicate and commit people on organisational strategies and objectives. It provides a framework for translating strategic objectives into a
focussed, aligned set of performance measures.

ScoreCard is a flexible software package designed to integrate with other databases and IT systems such as Oracle® and Microsoft® SQL Server™.It enables performance measurement and management based on the Balanced Scorecard concept and is widely used in public and private sector organisations.

Petrus Consulting provides assistance to organisations which are developing their management reporting and control systems including the development and implementation of the Balanced Scorecard.

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